ECPAT International – ”End Child Prostitution, Pornography and Trafficking for Sexual Purposes” is a global organisation which unites the efforts of NGOs from 100 countries around the world for elimination of all hideous forms of sexual exploitation of children.
Neglected Children Society – ECPAT Bulgaria is a member of the ЕU Civil Society Platform Against Trafficking in Human Beings.
The EU Platform has been created in accordance with Directive 2011/36/EU/ of the European Parliament and European Council for the purposes of prevention and combating trafficking in human beings and protection of victims of trafficking. A representative of ECPAT Bulgaria takes part in the annual sessions of the Platform and particularly in the subgroup on the problems of trafficking in children and the reintegration of children – victims of trafficking.
As a member of ЕСРАТ International, ECPAT-Bulgaria realizes a number of projects, researches, analyses and reports, trainings and conferences at national and international level, like: world congresses and venues dedicated to the prevention and struggle against child trafficking and varied forms of sexual exploitation of children.
Founder and Chairperson of the organisation is Lydia Zagorova – psychologist and expert on the problems of children at criminogenic and victimogenic risk; children with deviant behaviour; sexual exploitation of children; trafficking for sexual purposes; reintegration and psychological help for children – victims of trafficking and abuse; protection of child rights and interdisciplinary national and international cooperation.
The activities of the organisation are also supported by volunteers – girls who are former victims of sexual exploitation in the near past.